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Retrieves a list of notifications

GET <your-unleash-url>/api/admin/notifications


name: Authorizationtype: apiKeyin: headerdescription: API key needed to access this API

A user may get relevant notifications from the projects they are a member of




  • Array [
  • id number required

    The id of this notification

  • message string required

    The actual notification message

  • link string required

    The link to change request or feature toggle the notification refers to

  • notificationType required

    Possible values: [change-request, toggle]

    The type of the notification used e.g. for the graphical hints

  • createdBy objectrequired
  • username string nullable

    The name of the user who triggered the notification

  • imageUrl string nullable

    The avatar url of the user who triggered the notification

  • createdAt date-time required

    The date and time when the notification was created

  • readAt date-time nullable required

    The date and time when the notification was read or marked as read, otherwise null

  • ]


name: Authorizationtype: apiKeyin: headerdescription: API key needed to access this API


Base URL
Security Scheme
curl / cURL
curl -L -X GET '<your-unleash-url>/api/admin/notifications' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: <API_KEY_VALUE>'